Sale Information

Date: SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 2024

Time: Noon


Walker Standardbred Farm

7793 Farrand Road

Sherman, Illinois 62684

(224) 563-7062


Hip# Yearling Consignor Sire Dam Sex Puchased By Purchase Price
1 Fox Valley Angelic FVS Somestarsomewhere Fox Valley Cherub Filly Aaron Martin $8,500
2 Fox Valley Fanucci FVS Somestarsomewhere Red Hot Lady Colt Dr. Anthony Lombardi $25,000
3 Fox Valley Shining FVS Southwind Chrome Racy Roz Filly Adam Hawthorne $5,000
4 Fox Valley Bikini FVS Time To Roll Fox Valley Touche Filly Al Beals $11,000
5 Fox Valley Covert FVS Can't Afford It Share My Secret Colt Ben Williams $4,500
6 Dandy's Fire FVS, Agent for Dandy Farm Stevensville Dandy's Love Colt Tommie Grant $6,000
7 Fox Valley Moscato FVS Time To Roll Bubbas Joicey B Filly Tommie Grant $4,200
8 Fox Valley Gimlet FVS Southwind Chrome Bambino Speed Filly Dr. Anthony Lombardi $15,000
9 Southernbeachckick Eli Yoder Jet Airway Chicky Dee Colt Robert Yohn $3,000
10 Fox Valley Sparkle FVS Captain Trevor She's Da Bomb Filly Joel Smith $9,500
11 Fox Valley Besty FVS Time To Roll Vasmajority Hanover Filly Jamaica Patton $4,500
12 Shady Maple Crisco Freeman Mast Somestarsomewhere Fat Fannie Annie Colt Kenneth M & Jana Lee Rucker $13,000
13 Fox Valley Canasta FVS Time To Roll Sexy Card Shark Filly Jamaica Patton $3,500
14 Whatuwontdoforlove FVS, Agent for Robert Grider & James A. Kish Somestarsomewhere Lilac Laurey Filly Bruce Grider $8,000
15 Fox Valley Loner FVS Can't Afford It Illdoitmyself Colt Engel Stables $6,000
16 Evening Slippers Frontier Farm & David Gingerich Time To Roll Feetonthedashboard Filly Dave Arrenholz $20,000
17 Dandy's Hope FVS, Agent for Dandy Farm Stevensville Pardon Filly Hart Walker $27,000
18 Fox Valley Barbie FVS Somestarsomewhere Shes A Hot Mess Filly Kevin Miller Agent $7,500
19 Fox Valley Pride FVS Southwind Chrome Luisa Colt Larry Longnecker $11,500
20 Wellsaid Blueberry Eli Yoder Captain Trevor Well Said Maria Filly RNA
21 Fox Valley Snapper FVS Southwind Chrome Fish Is Fish Colt Dr. Anthony Lombardi $21,000
22 Shady Maple Chick Freeman Mast Southwind Chrome Glimpse Filly Adam Hawthorne $18,000
23 Fox Valley Swinger FVS Yankee Skyscaper Rock With Delight Filly Terry Leonard $5,000
24 Fox Valley Sidejob FVS Time To Roll Suplemental Income Colt Randy Rigg $7,000
25 Happiest Place Randy Wilt You Know You Do Happy Place Filly JP Racing $34,000
26 Faith Of Sullivan Vernon Miller - Sullivan Standardbreds Southwind Chrome Sweet Tart Hanover Filly Mike Titus Agent $7,000
27 Smile Eraser Jeff Jones & Scott Lester Captain Trevor Ready To Win Filly Philip Cotton Agent $7,000
28 Seeyousometime FVS, Agent for Bernie & Deb Paul Somestarsomewhere Seeyouatthefinish Filly Ben Williams $6,500
29 Dandy's Beach FVS, Agent for Dandy Farm Stevensville Seaside Rory Colt Dandy Farms / Pete Kouchis / Frank Tatuli $15,000
30 Captain Gal Oakwood Farm Captain Trevor Grandiose Gal Filly Mike Brink $30,000
31 Fox Valley Protégé FVS Southwind Chrome Yankee Victory OM Filly Mike Brink $16,000
32 Fox Valley Endzone FVS Somestarsomewhere Official Line Colt Wyatt Avenatti $15,000
33 Fox Valley Alia FVS Time To Roll Fox Valley Flora Filly Tommie Grant $8,000
34 Cajun Biscuitt Eli Yoder Jet Airway Jeana Rose Colt Pat Miller $5,500
35 Fox Valley Reba FVS Time To Roll Fox Valley Tori Filly Joel Smith $6,500
36 Fox Valley Picaboo FVS Southwind Chrome Sara The Spy Filly Angelo Alesia & Geoff Driskel $15,000
37 Fox Valley Fastrak FVS Somestarsomewhere Subway Hanover Filly Dr. Anthony Lombardi $19,000
38 Shady Maple Credit Freeman Mast Credit Winner Teton Killshot Filly RNA
39 Fox Valley Mahem FVS Time To Roll LR Dancing Dream Colt Al Beals $17,000
40 Fox Valley Go Time FVS Time To Roll Foolishlittlegirl Filly RNA
41 Power N Steam Randy Wilt Swan For All Flowers N Dreams Colt Nessa & Sork Stables $10,500
42 Fox Valley Quincy FVS Somestarsomewhere Kimmy Colt Craig Rhodes $22,000
43 Fox Valley Flashy FVS Southwind Chrome Dynamite Dame Filly Mike Buzzard $18,000
44 Fox Valley Mia Tai FVS Time To Roll Fox Valley Tiramisu Filly Wyatt Avenatti $9,000
45 Illini FVS, Agent for Little Brindle Farm Southwind Chrome Beatrice Colt Mike Brink $35,000
46 Shineintheshadows Chester Yoder Lou's Legacy My Miss Caroline Filly Kevin Miller Agent $20,000
47 Blue Band Express Eli Yoder Jet Airway Going Going Gone Filly D&J Racing Stables $4,000
48 Fox Valley Brittany FVS Southwind Chrome Ms Brittania Colt Gabe Wand $5,500
49 Fox Valley Cougar FVS Southwind Chrome Zette Minx Filly Jerry Graham - Curt Grummel Agent $18,000
50 Mr Swifty FVS, Agent for Dandy Farm Stevensville Char N Marge Colt Benita Simmons $7,500
51 Fox Valley Sahbra FVS Southwind Chrome Fox Valley Strata Colt Benita Simmons $16,000
52 Fox Valley Ardent FVS Somestarsomewhere Fox Valley Torrid Filly Blackfoot Farms $18,000
53 Shady Maple Cruzer Freeman Mast Southwind Chrome Bands Rumor Has It Colt Brian Code $24,000
54 Fox Valley Pleasur FVS Southwind Chrome Hot Springs Filly Aaron Martin $13,000
55 Fox Valley Impact FVS Time To Roll Oozies Finale Colt Husted Racing $25,000
56 Felcia Of Sullivan Vernon Miller - Sullivan Standardbreds Southwind Chrome Seducedbychocolate Filly Joel Smith $9,500
57 Fox Valley Polaris FVS Somestarsomewhere Epona Filly Mark Winship $8,000
58 Heart Of A Panther FVS Agent for Gabe Giberson Panther Hanover My Heart Was True Colt Gino Toscani $10,000
59 Long Gone Dude FVS Somestarsomewhere Hope Hotspur Colt Aaron Martin $10,000
60 Fox Valley Cassidy FVS Southwind Chrome Don’t Think Twice Filly Marcus Detweiler $10,000
61 Fox Valley Krystal FVS Yankee Skyscaper Redhot And Rich Filly Craig Rhodes & Bob Ballinger $4,500
62 He'sgotabigmuffler Eli Yoder Rockin Image What If There's More Colt RNA
63 Fox Valley Aruba FVS Somestarsomewhere Native Hotspur Filly Erv Miller Agent $21,500
64 Fox Valley Jo Jo FVS Time To Roll Roll With Josie Filly Marcus Detweiler $9,500
65 Fox Valley Luck FVS Tellitlikeitis Podges Lady Colt Dr. Anthony Lombardi $46,000
66 Fox Valley Onassis FVS Somestarsomewhere Ideal Princess Colt Kevin Miller $27,000
67 Fox Valley Tamara FVS Somestarsomewhere She’sonehotwriter Filly Adam Hawthorne $30,000
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